

Our Intro: Cleaning Training is the best preparation for your first job in household services. You will get useful information about platforms and our coaches will help you to set up an attractive online profile. You will learn skills that you need to possess to be a good household assistant and learn how to deal with demanding customers. You will also interactively learn about cleaning products, window cleaning, and be able to show us what you have learnt with critical but helpful feedback for you – to in the end make more money!
  • Advanced: Cleaning Training

Our Advanced: Cleaning Training is the best addition to your basic knowledge about cleaning. You will get useful in depth information about cleaning products and cleaning techniques. Our coaches will demonstrate and explain in detail everything you need to know to properly clean bathrooms, kitchens and bedrooms of a private household. Additionally, we will share some cleaning hacks and wow-effects and train you in laundry and ironing!

  • Advanced: Customer Handling

Our Advanced: Customer Handling gets you prepared for special situations in dealing with demanding and disrespectful customers. We will interactively solve critical situations and prepare you for any case. 

  • Advanced: App Journey

Our coaches demonstrate all functions of the app and answer all questions regarding the app.

  • Advanced: Office Cleaning


  • Basics in Taxation for self-employed / freelancer
