
Video Interview Background

Prepare the Background for Interview

Get a Job with a Cool Background

Will you have an online interview soon? Do you think that the video interview background in the camera does not matter? Think twice 🙂
Remember, a video interview is the first impression as face2face. It is not a passport photo – having a white video interview background is not mandatory and is kind of boring. MySkills Academy helps you to increase your chances being hired, by:
1) Putting books, notes or lamp in the background – you will look smarter and make a positive impression (or just move some furniture to sit in front of your i.e. bookshelf). Thus, your video interview background will “talk” for you.
2) Having a plant behind you is also a good idea – it means you are responsible to take care of it.
3) If you wear glasses or lenses, better wear your glasses during your video interview – “all smart guys & girls wear glasses”.

Final Words About Your Video Interview

These tips are not a guarantee that you will get the job, but at least you will differ from most other candidates. Video interview background does not decide whether you receive the position or not. However, be sure that the HR-team will at least remember you. Besides that breathe once or twice deeply in and out before you join the call, relax you can do it! Good luck 🙂
Btw, we would be glad to know if our tips about video interview background worked. So do not hesitate to send us a short email or write us on Facebook.
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Video Interview Background

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